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How to Avoid 5 Common Mistakes in Case Interviews

The process of interviewing for a management consulting role can be both challenging and exciting. If you're familiar with consulting interviews, you know they involve a two-part process consisting of a "fit" interview (also known as an experience interview) that focuses on your background and experience, and a case interview that tests your ability to solve problems creatively and effectively. However, it's not just about knowing what to do; it's also about knowing what NOT to do. Here are five of the most common case interview mistakes and tips on how to avoid them:

1. Neglecting to bring pens, pencils, and paper. In today's technology-driven world, it's easy to rely on laptops and phones for note-taking and information transmission. However, in a case interview, it's essential to have pens, pencils, and at least three blank sheets of paper available to map out your answers and present your solutions to the interviewer. Pack a portfolio folder with spare copies of your resume, blank white paper, and several pens and pencils when preparing for the interview.

2. Providing an unstructured answer. Structuring your answer effectively is crucial in consulting because cases are essentially problems that need to be solved. To deliver a clear and direct solution to the problem, it's important to understand how to create a framework and use it to structure your answer. By focusing on the problem, you'll be able to provide an answer that resonates with the interviewer and increases your chances of landing the job.

3. Failing to take time to think. While consulting is an industry where thinking on your feet is necessary, analyzing and solving a problem carefully is essential during a case interview. Taking 30 seconds to assess the case and formulate a solution without making you seem unprepared or unable to think on your feet is recommended. Always ask the interviewer if it's okay to take time to think, and be specific about how much time you need.

4. Not preparing for the fit portion of the interview. The case interview may seem more challenging, but it's crucial to remember that both parts are equally important, and preparation for each one is key to a successful outcome. To prepare for the fit portion, research commonly asked fit interview questions and practice your responses with the same structured approach used to practice case interviews.

5. Failing to talk through your process. The interviewer uses case studies to understand how you think, making it crucial to walk them through your thought process. Even if you provide a solid answer during the interview, you're unlikely to be successful unless the interviewer understands how you arrived at that answer.